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HQ9+ interpreter in HSP

使い初めたばっかりのHSP (Hot Soup Processor)でHQ9+のインタープリタを書いてみた、とりあえず。

;HQ9+ interpreter in HSP
;c4se project: http://c4se.sakura.ne.jp/
;Nemu Inoue: utakata.c4se@gmail.com

#pack "c4se.bmp"


#defcfunc beer ;99 bottles of beer on the wall.
	beer_s = ""
	i = 0
	for i,99,0,-1
        /*beer_s += str(i) + " bottles of beer on the wall, "
        beer_s += str(i) + " bottles of beer, "
        beer_s += "You take on down, pass it around, "
        beer_s += str(i-1) + " bottles of beer on the wall. "*/
        beer_s += str(i)
	return beer_s

#defcfunc interpret_hq str argument1 ;to interprit the code
	hq_code = argument1
	hq_r = ""
	accumlator = 0
	hq_length = strlen(hq_code)
	hq_s = ""
	repeat hq_length,0
		hq_s = strmid(hq_code,cnt,1)
		if hq_s == "H" {
			hq_r += "Hello World!"
		}else :if hq_s == "Q" {
			hq_r += hq_code
		}else :if hq_s == "9" {
			hq_r += beer()
		}else :if hq_s == "+" {
			accumlator += 1
	return hq_r

#global ;main()

title "HQ9+ interpreter in HSP - c4se project"
font "",,1
color 255,0,0
mes "HQ9+ interpreter in HSP - c4se project"
pos 0,15
font "",,0
color 0,0,0
mes "HQ9+ Code"
hq_code = "H"
mesbox hq_code,300,200,1,0
pos 155,230
objsize 100
button gosub "evaluate HQ9+",*Interpret
pos 315,15
mes "Result"
hq_res = "Hello World!"
mesbox hq_res,300,200,0,0
mesbox_id = stat
pos 0,245
picload "c4se.bmp",1

	hq_res = interpret_hq(hq_code)
	objprm mesbox_id,hq_res

HQ9+ Interpliter on JavaScript
