きっと何人目だ感あふれる、日付時刻用にhelper moduleだよ。
Erlangは{{year, month, date}, {hour, minute, second}}
RubyのActiveSupport Timeみたいな1.years.before
# license: Public Domain defmodule DateHelper do defrecord DateTime, year: nil, month: nil, date: nil, hour: nil, minute: nil, second: nil def fromTuple {{year, month, date}, {hour, minute, second}} do DateTime.new year: year, month: month, date: date, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second end def toTuple DateTime[year: year, month: month, date: date, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second] do {{year, month, date}, {hour, minute, second}} end # cf. Erlang Questions - formatting timestamps http://erlang.2086793.n4.nabble.com/formatting-timestamps-td3594191.html def fromTimestamp now do fromTuple :calendar.now_to_universal_time(now) end # cf. How to convert datetime() to timestamp() in erlang - Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12527908/how-to-convert-datetime-to-timestamp-in-erlang def toTimestamp datetime do zero = :calendar.datetime_to_gregorian_seconds {{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}} seconds = :calendar.datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(toTuple datetime) - zero {seconds div 1000000, seconds rem 1000000, 0} end def now do fromTimestamp :erlang.now end def fromDictList dict do DateTime.new year: dict[:year], month: dict[:month], date: dict[:date], hour: dict[:hour], minute: dict[:minute], second: dict[:second] end def toDictList DateTime[year: year, month: month, date: date, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second] do [year: year, month: month, date: date, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second] end def fromDateTimeString str do regex = %r{^(?<year>\d+)-(?<month>\d+)-(?<date>\d+) (?<hour>\d+):(?<minute>\d+):(?<second>\d+)}g captures = Regex.captures regex, str captures = Enum.map captures, fn {key, value} -> {key, elem(String.to_integer(value), 0)} end fromDictList captures end def toDateString DateTime[year: year, month: month, date: date] do "#{year}-#{pad month}-#{pad date}" end def toTimeString DateTime[hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second] do "#{pad hour}:#{pad minute}:#{pad second}" end def toDatetimeString datetime do "#{toDateString datetime} #{toTimeString datetime}" end defp pad num do pad num, 2 end defp pad num, digits do List.flatten :io_lib.format("~#{digits}..0w", [num]) end end