
.。oO(さっちゃんですよヾ(〃l _ l)ノ゙☆)

.。oO(此のblogは、主に音樂考察Programming に分類されますよ。ヾ(〃l _ l)ノ゙♬♪♡)

音樂は SoundCloud に公開中です。

考察は現在は主に Cosense で公表中です。

Programming は GitHub で開發中です。

Cookie Clicker (クッキークリッカー) save data

34,703,352,462 cookies - Cookie Clicker http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
Save data。
ほらよ(〃l _ l)っ









因みに解説は此所を見ると好いよ(U〃l _ l) (下衆顔

Write an auto click tool in a minute

function __c() { document.getElementById('bigCookie').click(); }
var __i = 10000, __id = setInterval(function() { --__i; if (__i <= 0) { clearInterval(__id); } __c(); }, 100);

console.log(__i); __i = 10000000000000;


Game.cookies += Infinity;

Game.cookiesPs += 1e+10;

因みにズルしないと取れないachievement (但しshadow achievement) も有る。


Upgradesの種類 Game.UpgradesById

Reinforced index finger                               -> The mouse gains +1 cookie per click.
Cursors gain +0.1 base CpS.prod prod
Carpal tunnel prevention cream -> The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.
Ambidextrous -> The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.Look ma, both hands!
Thousand fingers -> The mouse and cursors gain +0.1 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.clickity
Million fingers -> The mouse and cursors gain +0.5 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.clickityclickity
Billion fingers -> The mouse and cursors gain +2 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.clickityclickityclickity
Trillion fingers -> The mouse and cursors gain +10 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.clickityclickityclickityclickity
Forwards from grandma -> Grandmas gain +0.3 base CpS.RE:RE:thought you'd get a kick out of this ;))
Steel-plated rolling pins -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Lubricated dentures -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.Squish
Cheap hoes -> Farms gain +0.5 base CpS.
Fertilizer -> Farms are twice as efficient.It's chocolate, I swear.
Cookie trees -> Farms are twice as efficient.A relative of the breadfruit.
Sturdier conveyor belts -> Factories gain +4 base CpS.
Child labor -> Factories are twice as efficient.Cheaper, healthier workforce - and so much more receptive to whipping!
Sweatshop -> Factories are twice as efficient.Slackers will be terminated.
Sugar gas -> Mines gain +10 base CpS.A pink, volatile gas, found in the depths of some chocolate caves.
Megadrill -> Mines are twice as efficient.
Ultradrill -> Mines are twice as efficient.
Vanilla nebulae -> Shipments gain +30 base CpS.
Wormholes -> Shipments are twice as efficient.By using these as shortcuts, your ships can travel much faster.
Frequent flyer -> Shipments are twice as efficient.Come back soon!
Antimony -> Alchemy labs gain +100 base CpS.Actually worth a lot of mony.
Essence of dough -> Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Extracted through the 5 ancient steps of alchemical baking.
True chocolate -> Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.The purest form of cacao.
Ancient tablet -> Portals gain +1,666 base CpS.A strange slab of peanut brittle, holding an ancient cookie recipe. Neat!
Insane oatling workers -> Portals are twice as efficient.ARISE, MY MINIONS!
Soul bond -> Portals are twice as efficient.So I just sign up and get more cookies? Sure, whatever!
Flux capacitors -> Time machines gain +9,876 base CpS.Bake to the future.
Time paradox resolver -> Time machines are twice as efficient.No more fooling around with your own grandmother!
Quantum conundrum -> Time machines are twice as efficient.It's full of stars!
Kitten helpers -> You gain more CpS the more milk you have.meow may I help you
Kitten workers -> You gain more CpS the more milk you have.meow meow meow meow
Oatmeal raisin cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +5%.No raisin to hate these.
Peanut butter cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +5%.
Plain cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +5%.Meh.
Coconut cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +5%.
White chocolate cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +5%.
Macadamia nut cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +5%.
Double-chip cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +10%.
Sugar cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +5%.
White chocolate macadamia nut cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +10%.
All-chocolate cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +10%.
Quadrillion fingers -> The mouse and cursors gain +20 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.clickityclickityclickityclickityclick
Prune juice -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.Gets me going.
Genetically-modified cookies -> Farms are twice as efficient.All-natural mutations.
Radium reactors -> Factories are twice as efficient.Gives your cookies a healthy glow.
Ultimadrill -> Mines are twice as efficient.Pierce the heavens, etc.
Warp drive -> Shipments are twice as efficient.
Ambrosia -> Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
Sanity dance -> Portals are twice as efficient.We can change if we want to.
We can leave our brains behind.

Causality enforcer -> Time machines are twice as efficient.What happened, happened.
Lucky day -> Golden cookies appear twice as often and last twice as long.
Serendipity -> Golden cookies appear twice as often and last twice as long.
Kitten engineers -> You gain more CpS the more milk you have.meow meow meow meow, sir
Dark chocolate-coated cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
White chocolate-coated cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Farmer grandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Worker grandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Miner grandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Cosmic grandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Transmuted grandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Altered grandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Grandmas' grandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Bingo center/Research facility -> Grandma-operated science lab and leisure club.
Grandmas are 4 times as efficient.
Regularly unlocks new upgrades.
Specialized chocolate chips -> [Research]
Cookie production multiplier +1%.Computer-designed chocolate chips. Computer chips, if you will.
Designer cocoa beans -> [Research]
Cookie production multiplier +2%.Now more aerodynamic than ever!
Ritual rolling pins -> [Research]
Grandmas are twice as efficient.The result of years of scientific research!
Underworld ovens -> [Research]
Cookie production multiplier +3%.Powered by science, of course!
One mind -> [Research]
Each grandma gains +1 base CpS for each 50 grandmas.
Note : the grandmothers are growing restless. Do not encourage them.
We are one. We are many.
Exotic nuts -> [Research]
Cookie production multiplier +4%.You'll go crazy over these!
Communal brainsweep -> [Research]
Each grandma gains another +1 base CpS for each 50 grandmas.
Note : proceeding any further in scientific research may have unexpected results. You have been warned.
We fuse. We merge. We grow.
Arcane sugar -> [Research]
Cookie production multiplier +5%.Tastes like insects, ligaments, and molasses.
Elder Pact -> [Research]
Each grandma gains +1 base CpS for each 20 portals.
Note : this is a bad idea.
squirm crawl slither writhe
today we rise

Elder Pledge -> [Repeatable]
Contains the wrath of the elders, at least for a while.
Plastic mouse -> Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
Iron mouse -> Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
Titanium mouse -> Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
Adamantium mouse -> Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
Ultrascience -> Research takes only 5 seconds.
Eclipse cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.Look to the cookie.
Zebra cookies -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Quintillion fingers -> The mouse and cursors gain +100 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.man, just go click click click click click, it's real easy, man.
Gold hoard -> Golden cookies appear really often.
Elder Covenant -> [Switch]
Puts a permanent end to the elders' wrath, at the price of 5% of your CpS.
Revoke Elder Covenant -> [Switch]
You will get 5% of your CpS back, but the grandmatriarchs will return.
Get lucky -> Golden cookie effects last twice as long.You've been up all night, haven't you?
Sacrificial rolling pins -> Elder pledge last twice as long.
Snickerdoodles -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Stroopwafels -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.If it ain't dutch, it ain't much.
Macaroons -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Neuromancy -> Can toggle upgrades on and off at will in the stats menu.
Empire biscuits -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
British tea biscuits -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Chocolate british tea biscuits -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Round british tea biscuits -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Round chocolate british tea biscuits -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Round british tea biscuits with heart motif -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Round chocolate british tea biscuits with heart motif -> Cookie production multiplier +15%.Quite.
Sugar bosons -> Antimatter condensers gain +99,999 base CpS.
String theory -> Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
Large macaron collider -> Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.How singular!
Big bang bake -> Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.And that's how it all began.
Antigrandmas -> Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Madeleines -> Cookie production multiplier +20%.Unforgettable!
Palmiers -> Cookie production multiplier +20%.
Palets -> Cookie production multiplier +20%.
Sablés -> Cookie production multiplier +20%.
Kitten overseers -> You gain more CpS the more milk you have.my purrpose is to serve you, sir

Achievementsの種類 Game.AchievementsById

Wake and bake               -> Bake 1 cookie.
Making some dough -> Bake 100 cookies.
So baked right now -> Bake 1,000 cookies.
Fledgling bakery -> Bake 10,000 cookies.
Affluent bakery -> Bake 100,000 cookies.
World-famous bakery -> Bake 1,000,000 cookies.
Cosmic bakery -> Bake 10,000,000 cookies.
Galactic bakery -> Bake 100,000,000 cookies.
Universal bakery -> Bake 1,000,000,000 cookies.
Timeless bakery -> Bake 5,000,000,000 cookies.
Infinite bakery -> Bake 10,000,000,000 cookies.
Immortal bakery -> Bake 50,000,000,000 cookies.
You can stop now -> Bake 100,000,000,000 cookies.
Cookies all the way down -> Bake 500,000,000,000 cookies.
Overdose -> Bake 1,000,000,000,000 cookies.
How? -> Bake 10,000,000,000,000 cookies.
Casual baking -> Bake 1 cookie per second.
Hardcore baking -> Bake 10 cookies per second.
Steady tasty stream -> Bake 100 cookies per second.
Cookie monster -> Bake 1,000 cookies per second.
Mass producer -> Bake 10,000 cookies per second.
Cookie vortex -> Bake 100,000 cookies per second.
Cookie pulsar -> Bake 1,000,000 cookies per second.
Cookie quasar -> Bake 10,000,000 cookies per second.
A world filled with cookies -> Bake 100,000,000 cookies per second.
Let's never bake again -> Bake 1,000,000,000 cookies per second.
Sacrifice -> Reset your game with 1 million cookies baked.Easy come, easy go.
Oblivion -> Reset your game with 1 billion cookies baked.Back to square one.
From scratch -> Reset your game with 1 trillion cookies baked.It's been fun.
Neverclick -> Make 1 million cookies by only having clicked 15 times.
Clicktastic -> Make 1,000 cookies from clicking.
Clickathlon -> Make 100,000 cookies from clicking.
Clickolympics -> Make 10,000,000 cookies from clicking.
Clickorama -> Make 1,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.
Click -> Have 1 cursor.
Double-click -> Have 2 cursors.
Mouse wheel -> Have 50 cursors.
Of Mice and Men -> Have 100 cursors.
The Digital -> Have 200 cursors.
Just wrong -> Sell a grandma.I thought you loved me.
Grandma's cookies -> Have 1 grandma.
Sloppy kisses -> Have 50 grandmas.
Retirement home -> Have 100 grandmas.
My first farm -> Have 1 farm.
Reap what you sow -> Have 50 farms.
Farm ill -> Have 100 farms.
Production chain -> Have 1 factory.
Industrial revolution -> Have 50 factories.
Global warming -> Have 100 factories.
You know the drill -> Have 1 mine.
Excavation site -> Have 50 mines.
Hollow the planet -> Have 100 mines.
Expedition -> Have 1 shipment.
Galactic highway -> Have 50 shipments.
Far far away -> Have 100 shipments.
Transmutation -> Have 1 alchemy lab.
Transmogrification -> Have 50 alchemy labs.
Gold member -> Have 100 alchemy labs.
A whole new world -> Have 1 portal.
Now you're thinking -> Have 50 portals.
Dimensional shift -> Have 100 portals.
Time warp -> Have 1 time machine.
Alternate timeline -> Have 50 time machines.
Rewriting history -> Have 100 time machines.
One with everything -> Have at least 1 of every building.
Mathematician -> Have at least 1 time machine, 2 portals, 4 alchemy labs, 8 shipments and so on (128 max).
Base 10 -> Have at least 10 time machines, 20 portals, 30 alchemy labs, 40 shipments and so on.
Golden cookie -> Click a golden cookie.
Lucky cookie -> Click 7 golden cookies.
A stroke of luck -> Click 27 golden cookies.
Cheated cookies taste awful -> Hack in some cookies.
Uncanny clicker -> Click really, really fast.Well I'll be!
Builder -> Own 100 buildings.
Architect -> Own 400 buildings.
Enhancer -> Purchase 20 upgrades.
Augmenter -> Purchase 50 upgrades.
Cookie-dunker -> Dunk the cookie.You did it!
Fortune -> Click 77 golden cookies.You should really go to bed.
True Neverclick -> Make 1 million cookies with no cookie clicks.This kinda defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it?
Elder nap -> Appease the grandmatriarchs at least once.we

Elder slumber -> Appease the grandmatriarchs at least 5 times.our mind
the universe

Elder -> Own every grandma type.
Elder calm -> Declare a covenant with the grandmatriarchs.we

Engineer -> Own 800 buildings.
Leprechaun -> Click 777 golden cookies.
Black cat's paw -> Click 7777 golden cookies.
Nihilism -> Reset your game with 1 quadrillion cookies baked.There are many things
that need to be erased

Antibatter -> Have 1 antimatter condenser.
Quirky quarks -> Have 50 antimatter condensers.
It does matter! -> Have 100 antimatter condensers.
Upgrader -> Purchase 100 upgrades.
Centennial -> Have at least 100 of everything.