
.。oO(さっちゃんですよヾ(〃l _ l)ノ゙☆)

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考察は現在は主に Scrapbox で公表中です。

Programming は GitHub で開發中です。

titleを表示出来ない #Opera Extentions 仮 #js


titleを表示するだけかもしれない #js #bookmarklet - c4se記:さっちゃんですよ☆ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Kureduki_Maari/20101102/1288705532

を、Opera Extentionsにしたけと、bugが取れてない。opera.extension.tabs.getFocused()がiframeの方に行っちゃう。

TitleLocation-0.1.oex - Windows Live http://cid-448898d168ddc7e1.office.live.com/self.aspx/%e5%85%ac%e9%96%8b/widgets/TitleLocation/TitleLocation-0.1.oex


Opera 11 alphaのbugっぽい。

During the development process, I am uninstalling and reinstalling my extension over and over again.
I noticed that opera.extension.tabs.getFocused() doesn't work after I uninstall and reinstall the extension.
Is there any other working method for developing extensions?
Usually the method works again if you restart Opera before reinstalling.
If you need to reproduce you can install the "Edit the Page" extension(notice that it switches from 'On' to 'Off' when clicking on the icon) and than uninstall it and reinstall it and you will see that the on/off button doesn't work anymore(it is using the getFoucsed method).
opera.extension.tabs.getFocused() doesn't work after uninstall and reinstall of extension - Opera Developer Community http://dev.opera.com/forums/topic/781062

opera.extension.tabs.getFocused() sometimes returns null instead of the currently focused tab. It only fails when the currently focused tab displays some specific pages.
Problem with tabs.getFocused() and passing message from background to focused tab - Opera Developer Community http://dev.opera.com/forums/topic/788032